It has a FEAR vib when it comes to the AI. They said they want to discourage "camping", which tells me that the MP portion of this game will be nothing more than yet another carbon copy, mindless, no skill needed, kid infested, run & gun, spray & pray game.as if we needed more of that garbage. IMO gameplay between these 2 games is radically different because of weapons being so much more inaccurate at distance in this game.

I am even surprised, that people are comparing this game so much to F.E.A.R. It felt very tactical and mostly needed patience. Yeah, why not allow to let people play both ways, aiming down the sights at distance and spraying from hip at close range, depending on preferences and situations? I recently played through F.E.A.R and for entire game it was optimal for me to shoot enemies one-by-one from distance, while in slow-mo. I can live with just the cross hairs, but yeah, being able to choose would be, imo, a better choice, at least for single player.

Originally posted by AROCK!!!:I also feel that designing a game in a way to "force" a certain style of game play over another, could come back and bite them in the ass. I also feel that designing a game in a way to "force" a certain style of game play over another, could come back and bite them in the ass. Plus, campers are going to camp, spray gimps will spray, bunny hoppers will hop, etc regardless of the aiming type. I'm assuming the "camping" comment refers to MP, which is irrelevant for me.I quit playing MP a loooong time ago.

I ran a search before I posted, but it came back with only 2 results that did not match what I was looking for, today however, the results were much better. What do you think Wilson? lol.found the post you spoke of.
That plus a lean function (not to cower behind pillars and lean out, inbound grenades from the enemy should stop you trying this) purely for style points leaning while on the move would be absolutely perfect. This is like the original FEAR which had the character raise the weapon slightly from hip fire to more like high ready, and the crosshair tightens up a little, still fairly inaccurate and encouraging rushing into the action, but a little more controlled. Originally posted by blairh448:I agree with both points of view and see Wilsons point, but I feel there is a happy middle ground with a 'half ADS' Sprint + crouch = slide feel more natural. 3) The slide mechanic is a little awkward being bounds to a separate key rather than tied to the crouch function. I only experimented with the grab mechanic once so I won't criticise that features. Moving around is fine, but sneaking up on the enemy and taking them out quietly actually breaks the immersion for me. Something like hip fire is more accurate in bullet time, whereas ADS is more necessary during real time. I feel that most games either rely too much on hip fire or too much on ADS. My criticisms are few: 1) I'm not a fan of hip fire exclusive. The moment fired the pistol for the first time I thought, "Holy ♥♥♥♥! F.E.A.R with modern tech!" The lighting is great, the controls are smooth, the destruction is satisfying (albeit all the debris can obscure my vision a little too much). Will there be character progression? Will there be ADS? Will there be weapon mods? And so on. Will the devs be releasing a road map of gameplay features? I'm curious if this demo is the final representation of gameplay features.